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Union of the Bulgarian Business

Rating: 3
BIA is a member of:
UNICE C Union of the Industrial and Employers' Confederations in Europe; ICC C International Chamber of Commerce; IOE C International Organization of Employers. The Association partners and has signed over 30 agreements for cooperation with national industrial and entrepreneur's organizations from the most advanced countries in Europe, Asia, America and Africa, as well as with American, Japanese and European institutions in the field of training, environment, occupational safety and health, and etc. BIA actively participates in the work of: International Labour Organization (ILO); International Trade Center (ITC / UNCTAD / WTO); South Eastern Europe Employers' Forum (SEEEF), presided and coordinated by the BIA; Network of the Employers' Organization in the Candidate Countries for EU Membership (ACEON), coordinated by the BIA; EU C Bulgaria Joint Consultative Committee, established on the BIA's initiative and co - chaired by the Association for the first two consecutive mandates, and etc.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Europe

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