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Export source

Rating: 1
Only one source can give you access to a world of export services. Team Canada Inc is a network of federal departments and agencies working with the provinces, territories and other partners to help Canadian businesses prepare for the global marketplace.
Team Canada Inc is your first stop en route to the information, skills and assistance you need to make your export venture a success. Our wide range of tools is designed to help you become export-ready, develop your export potential or expand into new markets. Explore Team Canada Inc's services with the help of our Roadmap to Exporting, available in print, CD-Rom, or online. Our popular Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting will walk you through the exporting process. Prepare your own export plan with our Interactive Export Plan. Develop relevant skills through our series of half-day Going Global workshops offered across Canada.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: America

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