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Rating: 2
is a highly experienced professional provider for import and export information in China. Through directly establishing effective business information databank and clients databank the INTERTRADE provides related information service for worldwide businessmen in international trade, buyers information service and relevant solutions, which have greatly enhanced trade efficiency between the INTERTRADE and businessmen around the world. Relying on its experiences of information service on international trade for over 10 years and cooperation with governments and non-governmental organizations throughout the world, the INTERTRADE has built up a series of effective trade promotion databanks, such as CHINA EXPORTERS DATABANK (the only one in China at present), CHINA IMPORTERS DATABANK and WORLD BUYERS DATABANK (the largest one in the world today). Products of these excellent databanks have been widely used for the past 10 years by their clients at home and abroad. Of particular importance is the WORLD BUYERS DATABANK, which is an official databank for the Ministry of Commerce (www.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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