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International Business Center

Rating: 3
I want to extend a personal welcome to you. The International Business Center is a not-for-profit organization that has invested hundreds of hours creating a series of dynamic and valuable resources for international business people, international business students, and teachers and professors at international business schools throughout the World.
International business, Multinational, Transnational, Globalization, Multi domestic, Worldwide, and the Global Marketplace, these are terms you deal with daily. We know international business success requires more business acumen than managing a domestic enterprise. You not only deal with traditional business functions and values, but also must understand and work from a global perspective that adds politics, culture, monetary variables, time, and distance to the international business management equation. I believe you'll find the International Business Center is an excellent resource for a variety of your global business questions and needs, with particular focus on those topics unique to working in the International business arena, including intercultural issues.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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