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Trade n Business

Rating: 1
This is the Information Age, an era when potent cutting edge technologies are transforming the very outlook of our world. And nothing has revolutionized our world more than the Internet. The Net is becoming an integral aspect of our present milieu, and its application, as vast and various as the complexities of modern living. The Internet has also assumed strategic importance in modern day business, bringing manufacturers and buyers from all parts of the globe in close proximity, and facilitating International Trade. Indian Trade too has been caught up in the information revolution. By utilizing the multifarious advantages of the NET, Indian & International Companies have now begun to make their presence felt in the global market.
Trade - N - Business Global Yellow Pages Network, allows Indian business concerns to utilize the Internet to its maximum, in opening their doors to International Trade. We present a tremendous opportunity to Indian businessmen to come out of their local conservative market systems and cash in on the International business potential on the NET. We are one of the premier organizations in the field of Trade Promotion, through both the print and Internet Media. Trade - N - Business Global Yellow Pages Network, is now in the process of bringing out a Trade Directory, the 'TRADE - N - BUSINESS GLOBAL YELLOW PAGES', which would be available both in the print and on the Internet. This would be a comprehensive database, classified trade wise, of International companies, from all over the World. The DATABASE would provide small and major manufacturers from all regions, a medium of conveying their products to foreign buyers across the world, successfully. It will also benefit those organizations who are eager to publicize their Corporate Image on the National and International arena, apart from generating sales enquiries. In order to ensure its popularity, visibility & success, Complimentary Copies of the 'TRADE - N - BUSINESS GLOBAL YELLOW PAGES' shall be distributed to the following : - Manufacturers, Importers, Traders, Wholesalers, Retailers, Exporters and Service Providers.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Asia

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